Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Temporal Extension of the MultiDim Model

Temporality Types

They are several ways of interpreting the time frame associated with the facts contained in a temporal database. These interpretations are captured by several temporality types.

Valid time (VT) specifies the period of time in which a fact is true in the modeled reality; for example, it allows one to capture when a specific salary was paid to an employee. The valid time is usually supplied by the user.

Transaction time (TT) indicates the period of time in which a fact is current in the database and may be retrieved. The transaction time of a fact begins at the time when it is inserted or updated and ends when the fact is deleted or updated. The transaction time is generated by the database system.

Valid time and transaction time can be combined to define bitemporal time (BT). This indicates both when a fact is true in reality and when it is current in the database.

In many applications it is necessary to capture the time during which an object exists. This is represented by the lifespan (LS) or existence time; for example, it can be used to represent the duration of a project. The lifespan of an object o may be seen as the valid time of the related fact, “o exists.” Lifespan also applies to relationships, for example, it may be used to capture the time during which an employee has worked for a project. In addition to a lifespan, an object or relationship can also record a transaction time,indicating the time when it is current in the database.
In addition, since data in data warehouses is neither modified nor deleted,we proposed the loading time (LT), which indicates the time since when thedata is current in a data warehouse. This time can differ from the transaction time of the source systems owing to the delay between the time when a change occurs in a source system and the time when this change is integrated into a temporal data warehouse. The loading time can help users to know the time since when an item of data has been available in a data warehouse for analysis purposes.

Overview of the Model
The MultiDim model allows users to determine which temporal data they need by including in the schema the symbols of the corresponding temporality types. For example, in the schema in Fig. users are not interested in keeping track of changes to clients’ data; thus, this dimension does not include any temporal support. On the other hand, changes in the values of measures and changes in data related to products and stores are important for analysis purposes, as indicated by the various temporality types included in the schema. the MultiDim model allows both temporal and nontemporal attributes, levels, parent-child relationships, hierarchies, and dimensions. The definitions of the nontemporal elements of the model remain the same.
we define a temporal level as a level for which the application needs to store the time frame associated with its members. The schema in Fig includes four temporal levels (as shown by the LS symbol next to the level name): Product, Category, Store, and Sales district. This allows users to track changes in a member as a whole, for example inserting or deleting a product or a category. The usual nontemporal levels are called conventional levels e.g. Client.

A temporal attribute is an attribute that keeps track of the changes in its values and the time when they occur. For instance, the valid time support for Size and Distributor in the Product level indicates that the history of changes in these attributes will be kept. As in the spatial case, in our model we adopt an orthogonal approach where a level may be temporal independently of the fact that it has temporal attributes.

A temporal parent-child relationship keeps track of the time frame associated with the links relating a child and a parent member. For example, in Fig.  The symbol LS in the relationship linking Product and Category indicates that the evolution in time of the assignments of products to categories will be stored.

Cardinalities in parent-child relationships constrain the minimum and the maximum number of members in one level that can be related to a member in another level. Temporal support for parent-child relationships leads to two interpretations of cardinalities. The instant cardinality is valid at every time instant, whereas the lifespan cardinality is valid over the entire member’s lifespan. The instant cardinality is represented using the symbol for the temporality type (for example, LS in Fig. next to the line for the parent-child relationship, whereas the lifespan cardinality includes the symbol LS surrounded by an ellipse. When the two cardinalities are the same, this is represented using only one cardinality symbol. the instant cardinality between Store and Sales district levels is one-to-many, while the lifespan cardinality is many-to-many. These cardinalities indicate, in particular, that a store belongs to only one sales district at any time instant, but may belong to many sales districts over its lifespan, i.e., its assignment to sales districts may change. On the other hand, the instant and lifespan cardinalities between the Product and Category levels are both one-to-many. They indicate, in particular, that products may belong to only one category over their lifespan.

We define a temporal hierarchy as a hierarchy that has at least one temporal level or one temporal parent-child relationship. Thus, temporal hierarchies can combine temporal and nontemporal levels. Similarly, a temporal dimension is a dimension that has at least one temporal hierarchy. The usual nontemporal dimensions and hierarchies are called conventional dimensions and conventional hierarchies.

A temporal fact relationship is a fact relationship that requires a temporal join between two or more temporal levels. This temporal join can be based on various synchronization relationships: an icon in the fact relationship indicates the synchronization relationship used for specifying the join. For example,the temporal fact relationship Sales in Fig. relates two temporal levels: Product and Store. The overlaps synchronization icon in the relationship indicates that users focus their analysis on those products whose lifespan overlaps the lifespan of their related store. If a synchronization icon is not included in a fact relationship, there is no particular synchronization constraint in the instances of that relationship. In our example, this could allow users to analyze whether the exclusion of some products from stores affects sales.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Synchronization Relationships

Synchronization relationships  specify how two temporal extents relate to each other. They are essential in temporal applications, since they allow one to determine, for example, whether two events occur simultaneously or whether one precedes the other.
The synchronization relationships for temporal data correspond to the topological relationships for spatial data. They are defined in a similar way, on the basis of the concepts of the boundary, interior, and exterior.
The exterior of a temporal value is composed of all the instants of the underlying time frame that do not belong to the temporal value. On the other hand, the interior of a temporal value is composed of all its instants that do not belong to the boundary. The boundary is defined for the different temporal data types as follows. An instant has an empty boundary. The boundary of an interval consists of its start and end instants. The boundary of a ComplexTime value is (recursively) defined by the union of the boundaries of its components that do not intersect with other components.

synchronization relationships

meets: Two temporal values meet if they intersect in an instant but their interiors do not. Note that two temporal values may intersect in an instant but do not meet.
overlaps: Two temporal values overlap if their interiors intersect and their intersection is not equal to either of them.
contains/inside: contains and inside are symmetric predicates: a contains b if and only if b inside a. A temporal value contains another one if the interior of the former contains all instants of the latter.
covers/coveredBy: covers and coveredBy are symmetric predicates: a covers b if and only if b coveredBy a. A temporal value covers another one if the former includes all instants of the latter. This means that the former contains the latter, as defined above, but without the restriction that the boundaries of the temporal extents do not intersect. As a particular case, the two temporal values may be equal.
disjoint/intersects: disjoint and intersects are inverse temporal predicates: when one applies, the other does not. Two temporal values are disjoint if they do not share any instant.
equals: Two temporal values are equal if every instant of the first value belongs also to the second and conversely.
starts/finishes: A temporal value starts another if the first instants of the two values are equal. Similarly, a temporal value finishes another if the last instants of the two values are equal.
precedes/succeeds: A temporal value precedes another if the last instant of the former is before the first instant of the latter. Similarly, a temporal value succeeds another if the first instant of the former is later than the last instant of the latter.